Behold! A brilliantly-hued glass pipe, complete with an ever-watchful octopus perched atop!
- 4.5" glass pipe
- Weight: 73g
- Octopus sitting on top of the pipe
- Vibrant colors (sent randomly)
$ 67.93
$ 52.25
Behold! A brilliantly-hued glass pipe, complete with an ever-watchful octopus perched atop!
$ 10.49
$ 20.99
$ 53.78
$ 69.91
$ 64.95
$ 63.11
$ 82.04
$ 44.46
$ 26.00
$ 12.99
$ 57.80
$ 75.14
$ 64.30
$ 83.59
$ 58.08
$ 75.50